sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012


Hi guys, we have finally made a decision on the movie that we are going to see at the Yelmo cinema in V.O.S. The movie is Problem with the curve, which is the latest movie of the oscar awarded as director and producer, Clint Eastwood. It´s quite curious that this great actor hasn´t won any oscar as an actor although he has been nominated a few times, but it´s never late for Mr. Clint, who knows what he has prepared for us in this new movie.

Here you have some links if you are interested in knowing a bit more about Clint Eastwood:


I´m also going to introduce the sinopsis of the movie so that you guys can have more info about his latest movie and of course some baseball vocab that will also be helpful if your are going to see the movie, especially if you are European, because baseball has a lot of key vocab that could be confusing if you are not used to follow this great American game.

Trouble with the Curve (2012)


Movie Info-Sinopsis
Gus Lobel (Clint Eastwood) has been one of the best scouts in baseball for decades, but, despite his efforts to hide it, age is starting to catch up with him. Nevertheless, Gus-who can tell a pitch just by the crack of the bat-refuses to be benched for what may be the final innings of his career. He may not have a choice. The front office of the Atlanta Braves is starting to question his judgment, especially with the country's hottest batting phenom on deck for the draft. The one person who might be able to help is also the one person Gus would never ask: his daughter, Mickey (Amy Adams), an associate at a high-powered Atlanta law firm whose drive and ambition has put her on the fast track to becoming partner. Against her better judgment, and over Gus's objections, Mickey joins him on his latest scouting trip to North Carolina, jeopardizing her own career to save his. 


Baseball Vocabulary

Example sentence
I walked to first base after the pitcher threw four balls.
a pitch thrown outside the strike zone
If the ball gets to the baseman before you do, you'll be out.
one of four "safe havens" to be reached in turn by a runner
base hit
He had a good game, getting five base hits altogether.
a play in which the batter hits the ball into fair territory and gets at least to first base
bases loaded
I was very nervous because our bases were loaded and we'd get 4 runs and win if I hit a home run.
situation in which a runner is waiting on each of three bases
He hit the ball so hard that his bat was broken.
instrument made of aluminium or wood that is used to hit the ball while batting
The batters wait in the dugout until it's time to bat.
player whose job is to hit the ball with a bat
batter's box
The umpire makes sure the batter is standing in the batter's box.
an area around home plate marked by white lines in which a batter must stand
He hit a bunt and the ball rolled slowly along the ground while he ran quickly to first base.
light hit made by letting the ball hit the bat without swinging it
Our catcher spends a lot of time practising hand signals with our pitchers.
player who squats behind home plate and catches pitches the batter doesn't hit
change up
One of his best pitches is his change up as most batters can't spot it and they have trouble hitting it.
a slow pitch thrown with the same arm action as a fastball, intended to deceive the batter
curve ball
His curve ball is hard to hit and he strikes out lots of weaker batters with it.
a pitch that moves unexpectedly in the air because of spin put on the ball by the pitcher
I hit the ball deep into the outfield and ran to second base for a double.
a hit from which the batter reaches second base
double play
We got two of their runners out on a double play and the inning was over.
a defensive play in which two base runners are out from two quick throws
The manager sat in the dugout chewing gum and shouting to his players.
area beside the field in which a team's players and coaches can sit
fair territory
He hit the ball over the fence, but it wasn't over fair territory so it wasn't a home run.
area of the field from home base out to the bottom of the home run fence and between the foul lines
Pitchers with good fastballs can throw them over 100 mph (162 km/h).
a pitch that is thrown as fast as possible
fly ball
He hit a fly ball into the outfield and a fielder caught it, so he was out.
batted ball that goes high in the air
foul ball
The hit went just outside the foul line, so it was called a foul ball.
batted ball that goes outside the foul lines
foul line
If a ball lands on a foul line, it is in fair territory.
lines extending from home plate through 1st and 3rd bases to the outfield fence
foul territory
Umpires decide whether a hit is into fair or foul territory.
all parts of the playing field outside the foul lines
grand slam
My son was so happy after hitting a home run on a grand slam play that he couldn't stop smiling.
a home run hit with a runner on every base, by which 4 runs are scored
ground ball
I knew I couldn't hit it far enough for a home run, so I hit a ground ball so it wouldn't be caught.
a batted ball that rolls or bounces in the infield
home plate
A pitcher usually tries to pitch the ball over the home plate.
the fourth base to which a runner runs, over which a pitcher pitches and a batter bats
home run
Babe Ruth held nearly all the home run records for many years.
a ball hit out of the playing field in fair territory, scoring a run for the batter and any base runners
A bunt is a gentle shot played into the infield.
area inside the square formed by the four bases
The infielders have to have speed and very good reflexes.
player who fields in the infield, including first, second and third basemen and shortstop
In professional baseball, a game usually lasts for nine innings.
a period of play in which each team bats until 3 batters are out
line drive
Good batters can hit line drives between fielders so they don't get caught.
a ball hit hard and low in the air
I hit the ball a long way, but a fielder caught it and I was out.
to be dismissed, or to have one's turn ended
How many fielders are usually placed in the outfield?
area between the infield and the home run fence
Outfielders must be able to throw the ball a long way.
a player who fields in the outfield
pitcher's mound
Our relief pitcher walked slowly out to the pitcher's mound.
a raised section in the middle of the diamond on which pitchers stand when pitching
They threw the ball quickly and got both runners out on the same play.
a move or manoeuvre in a sport or game
We got three runs in the first innings, but didn't get any more until the eighth.
a score earned when a base runner safely gets to home plate
The shortstop is near the batter and must be brave enough to catch or stop hard hits.
fielder whose position is between second and third bases
Our best pitcher has four good pitches; his fastball, his curve ball, his change up and his slider.
a pitch that acts like a fastball until it breaks suddenly as it reaches the plate
A pitcher has to keep an eye on the runners in case one tries to steal a base.
to run a base between pitches without the batter hitting the ball
I was nervous because I'd already had two strikes called and if another one was called I'd be out.
a strike is called if a batter swings at a pitch and misses, or if the pitch passes through the strike zone without being hit
strike out
Joe's pitches are difficult to hit, so he strikes out a lot of batters.
to be out for having three strikes called
strike zone
Different umpires have different ideas on how big the strike zone should be.
the area over home plate and between the batter's armpits and knees as he stands ready to bat
The fielder got the ball and tagged me out just before I got to the base.
to get a runner out by touching them with the ball or with the glove holding the ball
I hit it way into the outfield and managed to run to third base for a triple.
a hit from which the batter reaches third base
triple play
Fielders must throw fast and accurately to make a triple play.
a defensive play in which three base runners are tagged out with three quick throws
Their pitcher was replaced after walking three batters in a row.
free pass to first base given to a batter after a pitcher throws four balls outside the strike zone

So folks, I hope that you are able to come with us and see the movie today 24th of November, we´ll be meetting at the Yelmo cinema at 4.45 and the movie starts at 5.50,  so best of lucks and hope to see you there.
Sal Halpin

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